Monday 5 August 2013

Electrotherapy Provides Pain Relief

Electrotherapy relies on electricity to heal, whether it is needed for pain relief, cardiac benefits, anti-atrophy treatments and more. Electrotherapy involves an electrical current that works to stimulate muscles and nerves. Cardiologists, chiropractors and physical therapists frequently see improved quality of life with their patients who use electro therapy and have documented cases of proven pain relief.

Here are just a few examples of how electrotherapy can help people improve their quality of life:

Pain Relief: Physical therapists and chiropractors often include electrotherapy as part of pain relief treatment for muscle sprains and strains. Though it’s considered topical pain relief, as it is transmitted through ones skin, it penetrates tissue without damaging it. It is also known to relax muscles that, when tight, may contribute to neck and back pain. This often reduces or prevents migraine headaches and can reduce the need for surgery or long-term disabilities.

Cardiac Benefits: Cardiologists sometimes use electrotherapy for EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) to help strengthen the heat muscle in people living with congestive heart failure. It has been found to improve not only overall health, but had a part in lowering body mass index, weight loss and muscular endurance.

Improved ROM (range of motion): When people have repeated muscle spasm they often develop a limited ROM, or range of motion. Their muscles may get atrophied and shrink from lack of use. Electrotherapy can reduce swelling that occurs with injuries or muscle spasms, improving the use of the muscle, the ROM and coordinated movement. Electrotherapy stimulates the weakened/underused muscle and helps maintain its tone as it heals and recovers.

If you suffer from sprains and strains, tight muscles, migraine headaches or other painful issues, talk with your medical provider to see if electrotherapy is a good pain relief option for you.

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